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Sustainable and regenerative models are increasingly important as the sector grapples with environmental challenges and seeks to promote responsible practices.
The East Cape has a short opportunity window over the next decade to define itself in ways that respect, restore, and regenerate the special qualities of this place, and to avoid many of the negative impacts of unplanned, unbridled growth.

There are strong economic reasons to do so:

● By adopting these models, risk profiles can be significantly reduced. For example risks of water scarcity, of community conflict, litigations and political action, of degraded natural landscapes and e aesthetics, etc.

● Enlightened investors and younger generations, and the markets they represent, seek more meaningful contact with nature, culture and local communities.

● Philanthropic, ESG capital and Impact Investment seek new, less risky models, and reward innovative projects.

● The growth of experience- and health-conscious adventure and wellness travel transcends the individual; it seeks to reverse negative footprint impacts and foster regenerative, environmental and social health in destinations and their surroundings.

Opportunity is Now:

● Observing and caring for the proximity to Cabo Pulmo National Park, being home to one of the most successful marine reserves in the world with a rich diversity of marine life, including coral reefs, fish species, marine mammals, and sea turtles, and fostering new, similar restorative, community-driven models.

● With today’s small population and a largely open landscape, the region can still be managed for large-scale improvements. Today 20,000 people live in the Region in small communities, and in 20 years the population is expected to reach over 250,000 people.

● Population growth has exacerbated stress and demand for basic services such as water and energy. This highlights the urgent need to invest in natural watershed management strategies, as well as clean and efficient energy infrastructure.

● Demographic changes can lead to social dynamics such as gentrification, displacing local communities, and predatory economic opportunities.

Sustainable models can minimize these negative impacts, and regenerative models aim to reverse them.

East Cape Futures is an initiative of:

LegacyWorks Group is an alliance of independent entities operating under an affiliation agreement and committed to fostering positive environmental, social, and economic development to create enduring benefits in the communities we call home.

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